... Don't blame me !!! Hello ! You all know that today, I wanted to go to the Christmas Market... But, I didn't go... sigh !! Actually, I went out to the theaters to watch the last Harry Potter Film ... And we did'nt go to the market... Sorry, so the note I wanted to write after this event is to be canceled too !! No big Christmas Note today !!! Sorry for those who already enjoyed reading my resumes of this event... I'll try to get there by tomorrow, right after my lessons... But here is some compensation : a beautiful animated picture of the Santa Claus's Toy Factory !

Sorry, I will try to do better tomorrow, with some photos of the Christmas Market !!

G. Very confused ....
Edit : Modifications et corrections by Anonymous (qui se rélève être Baptiste !! ^^ Thank You)

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

I'm so sorry ...

... Don't blame me !!! Hello ! You all know that today, I wanted to go to the Christmas Market... But, I didn't go... sigh !! Actually, I went out to the theaters to watch the last Harry Potter Film ... And we did'nt go to the market... Sorry, so the note I wanted to write after this event is to be canceled too !! No big Christmas Note today !!! Sorry for those who already enjoyed reading my resumes of this event... I'll try to get there by tomorrow, right after my lessons... But here is some compensation : a beautiful animated picture of the Santa Claus's Toy Factory !

Sorry, I will try to do better tomorrow, with some photos of the Christmas Market !!!

Anonyme a dit…

coucou mon john john ! alors oui je fais moi aussi partie de ceux qui ont été subjugués par le film ! il est super ! surtout qu'il est assez indépendant des 3 autres, ce qui fait que même si tu n'as pa vu les autres, tu comprends ! les effets spéciaux sont supers et il est très fidèle au livre ... un régal !